
Firm Foundations™ – Pregnancy and Postnatal Fitness

Pregnancy FIRST Trimester Back Stretches

These stretches are great for keeping your back flexible and easing back ache, during your FIRST Trimester. AFTER 16 weeks of pregnancy, they are NOT all recommended, and you can use a choice of other Back Stretches, that will keep you and your baby safe, which don't involve lying on your back.

Keep each exercise comfortable and if you do have any back pain or pelvic joint pain that is sharp, or twitchy and doesn't ease, OR is made worse by ANY exercise, cease the exercise/s and seek the advice of your health professional.

If you have a history of back and/or pelvic joint pain, then seek further advice about which exercises are most suitable for you now that you are pregnant.

Disclaimer: This exercise handout is not intended to replace the advice of a health and fitness professional who can tailor your program specifically to your health and fitness needs.

Photos and models by Fitness, Form and Function www.fitnesscairns.com.au and Stuart Frost Photography www.frostyphoto.com

1Knee hug

Lift your knees up to your chest and hold them to feel a comfortable stretch in your back.
Hold for 8 - 12 seconds and relax.
Repeat 3 - 5 times.

2Pelvic Tilt Back Stretch

Starting position
Move into position
Start with your knees bent, so your back feels comfortable.
Slowly flatten your lower back onto the floor and then release.
Repeat and hold for 6 - 8 seconds, feeling the lengthening in your lower back.
It is ok for your bottom to lift if you feel this will allow your back to lengthen further.
Keep breathing easily.
To focus further roll one part of your lower back onto the floor at a time.
Repeat 5 times.

3Pregnancy Lean Back Stretch

Stretch position
Sitting with your feet flat on the floor in front of you.
Place your hands behind and slowly lean back onto your arms.
Lean your head back and extend backwards steadily, as far as you feel you can go, keeping comfortable control of the movement.
Hold this stretch for a few seconds and roll back up into sitting.
Repeat 2 - 3 times, this time holding the stretch for as long as it feels comfortable.

4Rotation Stretch

Roll to one side
Roll to the other side
With your knees together and arms out to the side, gently roll your knees to one side and then to the other. Keep the movement and amount of stretch at a comfortable level.
There should be no back pain felt.
Repeat 5 times on each side.
Finish with holding the stretch on one side for 10 - 12 seconds.
Repeat to the other side.

5Thoracic Rotation Stretch

Exercise Position
With your hand on your forehead, roll your elbow back towards the floor.
Hold for a few seconds and roll forwards.
This exercise can either be done - rolling forwards and back 5 - 6 times OR rolling back and holding the stretch for 10 - 12 seconds, feeling your chest and shoulder open up.