From the desk of Dianne
"Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefit others", by John Maxwell. Many years ago I wrote this in a little notebook which I still have, after reading through one of John Maxwell's books, searching for what my meaning and purpose was. Working already in Women's Health, I knew this was my area of interest and passion, particularly in preventing issues through education and training of health and fitness professionals. Not long after that I started a journey from National Chair of Women's Health Physiotherapy Australia, to working with The Continence Foundation of Australia on resources and The Pelvic Floor First campaign, having done much of my best work via email and long distance communication.
Continuing with long distance contact led me to "talk" to Marianne Ryan, a Physical Therapist in the US and I was so very excited to receive a copy of her new book "Baby Bod ® " personally signed, in the mail last week. Little did I know, that my little by little would lead me on such a journey, to contribute and to help others on theirs. As I opened the book to see the "Praise for Baby Bod® " page - - - my testimony is right up the top!!! So exciting to see this, having made some contributions and also to see such a book now in print, with my own copy all the way from the US. Find out more about the new "Baby Bod ® "book in our blog and in the article below.
Pregnancy |
Hand in Hand Help Parents prepare for the birth of a sibling
One of the very useful websites I have found over the past four or so years, is Hand in Hand Parenting whose focus is Nurturing The Parent-Child Connection. The tools and resources I've used from this site, I really wish I had known about in the earlier years of parenting.
Here is an interesting article for those who are Preparing for the Birth of a Sibling.
Post Pregnancy |
Baby Bod ® - A New Groundbreaking Program
"It is time for women to consider each stage of healing post-birth and take the time needed for full recovery. Baby Bod ® will help women who are still postnatal many years later, as well as new mums, make the journey to recover from pregnancy and childbirth".Shared from "Praise for Baby Bod ® " written by Dianne Edmonds, Director and Founder of The Pregnancy Centre, Physiotherapist, Personal Trainer.
Marianne Ryan is a leading Women's Health Physical Therapist with 30 year's experience, is one of the few to have obtained Board Certification as an Orthopedic Certified Specialist. As a mother of two, Marianne is passionate about helping women prepare for childbirth and restore their bodies afterwards. She has written the book Baby Bod ® as a DIY program to bridge the gap between medical care and the special needs of pregnant and postnatal mums. Her book is available via Amazon.
Post Pregnancy |
Post Pregnancy Pelvic Floor
Still unsure about your pelvic floor now that you have had your baby?
Use the guide for some extra tips on the quality of your pelvic floor exercises, found in our e booklet The Pregnancy and Postnatal Pelvic Floor Connection.