Baby Bod is getting a lot of press now and we'll link below to an interesting article written about Marianne Ryan's new book, which links to her latest newspiece titled "Why French Women Look So Good After Childbirth". We also have a new article on Ovulation written by Dr Zeenobiyah McGowan Ph.D., an expert on women's health and helping couples conceive naturally.
If you happen to be juggling motherhood with any teenagers in the house, be sure to see our Blog post on the new book on Dianne's desk, How to Hug a Hedgehog.
Pre Pregnancy |
5 obvious signs of ovulation
If you are not a fan of the idea of taking your temperature daily to figure out when you will likely to be ovulating, do not worry. There are other options. In fact, some women just know when they are ovulating because of changes to their body. And if you would like to track ovulation with your BBT (basal body temperature), that is still a very valid method.
This article has been written by Dr Zeenobiyah McGowan Ph.D., an expert on women's health and helping couples conceive naturally.
Pregnancy |
Embracing Your Baby with Body Awareness
Are you pregnant and keen to find out more about the BEST exercises to keep your body in great shape?
Are you looking to feel great during your pregnancy as your shape changes and your baby grows?
Are you keen to know how to move effectively and powerfully to keep your back and body strong for you and your baby?
If you can answer YES to one of these questions, this package will give you confidence that you have the bases covered.
Post Pregnancy |
Baby Bod ® author writes Why French Women Look So Good After Childbirth- A New Groundbreaking Program
Baby BodBaby Bod is getting a lot of press now and we'll link below to an interesting article written about Marianne Ryan's new book, which links to her latest newspiece titled "Why French Women Look So Good After Childbirth". While there are stories of women who do bounce back after childbirth, others find that the bounce that is put into their exercise program too soon after baby is born, actually sets them back. Undiscussed problems are uncovered in this new book, and "it's time for healing to be allowed step by step, in the postnatal recovery journey".