From the desk of Dianne, Physiotherapist and Elite Personal Trainer, Peel Maternity and Family Practice, Mandurah WA and founder of The Pregnancy Centre.
If you have recently joined our newsletter from the practice or elsewhere, WELCOME.
Our focus is on Pregnancy and Postnatal Fitness, and ways to help mums enjoy the stages in the journey of motherhood.
My daughter suggested that we have an Autumn sale, so if you "Like us on Facebook", you will hear about what specials we offer during this changing season.
Pregnancy |
Abdominal Muscle Separation
As your baby grows, your uterus inside is expanding and this is the reason for your stretching abdominal muscles. Often the muscles "give" but so does the fibrous band down the middle, which creates a 'gap' or 'separation' which can be checked at different points in your pregnancy. If you are unsure about this, ask your midwife, physio or fitness instructor to check this for you.
Pregnancy |
Pregnancy - the time to know your Pelvic Floor
In our Early Bird and Antenatal Classes I talk about women really getting to know their pelvic floor during pregnancy. This helps to keep them working well, or allows you to notice if there are any issues that need attention. The Preparing Your Pelvic Floor for Birth and Recovery Program is designed to assist you in this, with audios of me talking you through your pelvic floor exercises so that you can really get to know them better. It is now also available from Peel Maternity and Family Practice.
Post Pregnancy |
Postnatal Exercises
Have you a swiss ball? If so there a number of ways to exercise safely sitting on the ball, while protecting your pelvic floor as it recovers from the softening and stretching from pregnancy and birth. You still need to progress at your own rate when using a ball for exercise, and check that you don't feel your pelvic floor dropping or hold your breath with any exercise. As you build up your repetitions, sometimes you may notice fatigue towards the end of a set of exercises. This is the time to be particularly careful to do them well, or to STOP and take a break and stretch.