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From the desk of Dianne, Physiotherapist and Elite Personal Trainer, Peel Maternity and Family Practice, Mandurah WA.

If you have recently joined our newsletter from the practice or elsewhere, WELCOME.

Our focus is on Pregnancy and Postnatal Fitness, protecting your pelvic floor and recovering well from pregnancy and birth so that you can enjoy motherhood.



Connecting to Your Pelvic Floor

We have added a new Blog "7 Ways to Connect to Your Pelvic Floor" which you will find the link on the Right, under Recent Posts. For Pregnant Mums to Be, or for those who have been pregnant before and now really know the importance of keeping your pelvic floor fitness going during this pregnancy, Preparing Your Pelvic Floor for Birth and Recovery helps you to really connect well to your muscles. And if you do have a problem, it will be easier to identify and sort out sooner. Waiting until after the birth to sort out your pelvic floor can  mean it's a little harder to recovery, but it is still possible when you work at it.

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Post Pregnancy

Returning to Running Tips

Michelle Kenway is a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist from Qld who leads the way in prevention of prolapse and safe exercise for women. This month Michelle featured an article giving Postnatal Mums 10 tips for Returning to Running.

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Post Pregnancy

Strengthening from the Inside Out

Michelle Kenway also has produced a DVD Inside Out which is a safe way for Postnatal Mums to get started backinto exercise. We sell the DVD at The Pregnancy Centre, because we love Michelle's products.

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