Today we said goodbye to our 14 year feline friend, who's been with us since before having children. Resting with her sister, who just made it through until last year.
If you are approaching Christmas with any mixed feelings of losses new or old, we hope that you enjoy the happy moments between the sad and the Celebrations, between the times that are hard.
Motherhood is also a paradox, of joyful moments, and hard ones, ranging in thresholds and intensities. I just heard this described recently in reading the book Replenish, by Lisa Grace Byrne, which was really comforting as it's not always an easy road. As we each work to support each other and lean on those available to help us, we can take each step ahead.
But some days, just standing still with your feet firm on the ground (bare feet on the earth is good for grounding) or sitting with them up, may be just the recommended dose of self prescribed nurture that is needed.
All the best for Christmas and New Year and thanks for your ongoing support. We are so glad you are with us on our journey!
From The Pregnancy Centre team
Pregnancy |
Ultrasound - 2D, 3D or 4D
We have a new series of 4 articles today, provided to us by Huggies Australia. They run through the questions that many newly pregnant mums and their husbands and partners ask about Ultrasounds.
This article has the links to more information on each of 2D, 3D or 4D Ultrasounds.