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From the desk of Dianne comes the final newsletter for 2014. There has been a new book across my desk recently, and information about it is published in our Blog posts section to the right.

Zero to Six Months with No Crying by Ursula Morgan has the focus on a low-stress, calm home environment, where through a strong interconnected bond with the parents, the infant is supported to learn healthy communication skills.

While Australia has been far from stress free very recently, in this last week as you approach Christmas and New Year, we hope that you can also achieve a sense of calm amidst the chaos, and peace amongst the heightened activities and stressors that come along.
Our hearts go out to those who will not be able to celebrate Christmas in the same way any more this year.

Take a deep breath when you can, stand or sit tall and if you get tired, rest or lie down. Better yet, protect your sleep as you approach and go through this season. It will help you to cope and respond better to all that is going on around you.

Like us on Facebook to stay connected and now we say, have a Merry Christmas, and all the best for your New Year. We'll join back again with you mid - late January, so "see you" in 2015.