From the desk of Dianne
While we are getting closer to something new being launched for fitness professionals working with pregnant and postnatal women, we are not quite there yet, so stay tuned for our next newsletter if this is you.
In July we wrote a short Pelvic Floor First article on Modifying Exercise during Pregnancy to Protect the Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Muscles, and this is linked to in our newsletter, together with revisit one of our articles to answer commonly asked questions about starting sex again post birth.
Looking forward to when we can officially make our fitness "announcement".
Pregnancy |
Modifying Pregnancy Exercises
While there are modifications of exercises recommended during pregnancy and for postnatal women, there are often times that modifications within these exercises themselves need to be made. Each woman seen by a fitness or health professional needs individual attention at regular intervals during their pregnancy.
Read more in our article published as part of our Ambassador Role for The Pelvic Floor First Campaign.
Post Pregnancy |
Postnatal Pelvic Floor Recovery
Postnatal Pelvic Floor Recovery always starts with regular CORRECT pregnancy pelvic floor exercises. Due to seeing and hearing from so many women who "wish they could have known", this pelvic floor ebooklet with inside tips and advice shows graphs of how pelvic floor muscles can really be working on the inside. Even when women are confident, a recent study showed that at least 1 in 5 postnatal women who thought they were doing their pelvic floor exercises correctly, were in fact not. Find out more ways to check pelvic floor technique using "The Pregnancy and Postnatal Pelvic Floor Connection ebooklet".
Post Pregnancy |
Sex again after the birth
While some women are not ready to think about sex again after the birth of their baby for a while, others would like to but experience discomfort or pain that gets in the way. We revisit one of our older articles When can we resume sexual intercourse again after the birth?