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Welcome to our newsletter if this is your first one, to our Birthday Month - we just turned 16, and to our return to running Pregnancy Fitness Classes for those living in Mandurah WA.
We celebrate in October turning 16, starting our first website back in 1999, and mention a little in our Blog as we give ourselves a "pat on the back" for being here this long! Our new website has been with us for just over 4 years now and we are pleased that many of our articles are timeless, still as relevant today as when they were written (with updates added as research has become available). Thanks for being with us on our journey so far.
In this edition we look back over some of our original articles.



Exercise During Pregnancy

One of our original articles, "where it all started". So many women wonder where to start with exercising safely during pregnancy. Of course checking with your Obstetrician or Midwife regularly is important, and here is some more on safe exercise during your pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Exercise Class Mandurah

If you are in Mandurah WA, Dianne will be running a Pregnancy Exercise Class late October and during November. To find out more and for bookings (essential) contact Peel Maternity and Family Practice.

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Optimal Foetal Positioning

We talk about in Antenatal Classes, thinking of how you sit and position yourself during the later stages of your pregnancy in order to help your baby move into the optimal position ready for the birth. Here is one of our early and original articles on this.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Return to Sport

For years we have had a special interest in postnatal return to sport and exercise, working on ways to help women know more about when their own body is ready for returning to fitness. Every woman is different and while it's good to have some guidelines, there are specific tests that can be done to help you check if you are ready - to ensure that you protect your back, pelvis and pelvic floor. In "As Your Shape Changes" we have some of these checks, and this month until October 31st we are offering 30% off the normal price of the individual booklet.

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