Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter
from the desk of Dianne, physio at PMFP, Director of The Pregnancy Centre, Pelvic Floor First campaign ambassador
A deep breath and we are one step closer to Christmas Day.
All the best for this Christmas season and Christmas Day.
Thank you for being a part of our The Pregnancy Centre tribe in 2016 and we hope that your New Year is bright.
From Dianne and the team
Pregnancy |
Breathe, Stretch and Relax
If a 'drip feed' of one little bit at a time this month is something you can fit into your schedule, then our daily practice over two weeks is one way to add tips to your toolbox for labour and birth.
We'll be adding some extra bonus relaxation audio's also over Christmas too.
Pregnancy |
Will your back ache this season?
We hope that you will get plenty of rest breaks during this Christmas season, not being overloaded with too many extra tasks. So sit when you can, lie down for a rest and take a break so that fatigue doesn't set in and cause your back to ache. Getting in the pool if you enjoy that is a good way to take the weight of your baby off your back, both during and after pregnancy. Be kind to you this season so that you can last the distance.
Post Pregnancy |
Do you need some back stretches?
Back ache can happen when standing more than normal, holding and carrying your baby and pushing yourself just that bit more, sometimes past that point of return that then muscle or joint aches can set in.
If you can, build in a break before you feel sore or too tired, and adding in some back stretches can also be helpful to keep your back mobile and relieve some of the minor aches that can sometimes happen.