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From the desk of Dianne, Physiotherapist and Elite Personal Trainer, Peel Maternity and Family Practice, Mandurah WA and founder of The Pregnancy Centre.

If you have recently joined our newsletter from the practice or elsewhere, WELCOME.

Our focus is on Pregnancy and Postnatal Fitness, and ways to help mums enjoy the stages in the journey of motherhood.

For a moment, connect into your heart. Place your hand over your heart area, focus a deep breath into the area around your heart. Allow another breath to come in easily, and think. What is THE most important thing in THIS MOMENT? Is it getting a drink of water, closing your eyes, putting your phone down and hugging your baby, your partner or yourself?  Take a moment to feel what is important in THIS moment. Motherhood is made up of moments. ENJOY this moment.



Exercising during Pregnancy

We have  Lisa Westlakes pregnancy exercise DVD and book available in our store. Are you looking for what is safe to do during your pregnancy? This is well recommended by this leader in pregnancy fitness in Australia.

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Post Pregnancy

Post Pregnancy Exercise

Squats and lunges can be modified to start with, in the first months after having a baby, as your pelvic floor recovers. Deep squats or lunges can put pressure down upon your pelvic floor. Keeping your legs closer together and not going so deep into the move can help to protect your pelvic floor.

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