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Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter

We hope that you are enjoying the warmer weather now that it has emerged. Feeling the sunshine helps you to soak in some well needed Vitamin D. How is the Vitamin "T" - for Time going for you. I heard this from Marc David author of the Slow Down Diet some years ago now, but it is always good for a timely reminder to enjoy some Time. Taking time for your pelvic floor Technique is one of our recommendations, with our newly rehoused Pregnancy Pelvic Floor e-course available here.


Pre Pregnancy

An Invitation to Grieve - interview added

We've been talking about the program An Invitation to Grieve in the last few newsletters and we have just added a link to an interview by the creator of the program Meagan Schultz. This e-course is for women who have experienced miscarriage, and is indeed An Invitation to Grieve and to help process some of the feelings and experiences from losing one or more babies. You can hear Meagan speak through the link in this article.

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Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Exercises

There is a lot of free stuff on the internet about doing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy. We know the importance of providing the best information and helped to write the app for Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Exercises by the Continence Foundation of Australia, used by a lot of women. But how do you really know that you are doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly? A study by Bump et al showed that only 49 % of women who read information about pelvic floor exercises actually did them effectively. Seeing a physiotherapist working in women’s health to check your pelvic floor is one way that you can ensure that your technique is correct. Too many women go through pregnancy either unsure or thinking that they are doing their exercises well, to find out after the birth that in fact they weren’t. For this reason, after over 20 years of seeing pregnant and postnatal women for pelvic floor problems Dianne has developed a program to help you to learn more about your pelvic floor, how it works and what exercises to do. Seeing a physiotherapist is recommended, but alongside that (or if you don't have one available), you can use this program to test and check your pelvic floor fitness, look out for any mistakes you could be making and to know when to seek further help and advice. It’s available on line here.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Back Stretches

Stretching and strengthening are both important parts of a postnatal program, safely working with your body to recover from the changes of pregnancy and adapt to the new roles of motherhood. If you have back ache or pain remember to seek professional help and treatment for this. For some relieving back stretches you can use our free handout here.

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Post Pregnancy

Have you heard about Tapping - now a new book for Kids?

"Tapping" is a technique that works by sending a calming signal to the amygdala, an almond-shaped part of the brain that controls our reactions to stressful situations. One study by Dr Dawson Church and Dr David Feinstein measured cortisol levels before and after treatment, and there was a 24% reduction in cortisol levels (a stress hormone produced by the body). Recently The Tapping Solution released a book for children on called Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs written by Alex Ortner, the brother of  New York Bestselling author Nick Ortner. They say that "just a few short minutes of tapping on specific points of the body will quickly bring a sense of calm and restore self-confidence, both to you and to your child." For a lot more information on this new book visit their website (I've ordered my copies):

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