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From the desk of Dianne

Our "fitness announcement" is here, and we are excited to say that after around three years of work, we have finally finished and had approved the new online courses on Pregnancy and Postnatal Core Conditioning for Fitness Professionals. These are housed at Australian Fitness Network and have just  launched on Network's new online CEC platform. Lots of work has gone into the development of this course series and we want to thank everyone who has assisted us in every aspect, in the course of this journey.


We also want to say a warm welcome to the new Mums and Mums to Be from Peel Maternity and Family Practice who have joined us. Each newsletter contains links to both Pregnancy and Postnatal Health and Exercise articles, exercises and often we feature Return to Sport articles and stories too. We hope that you enjoy receiving our newsletter, which will now come out each fortnight.



Stretching to Relief Calf Cramps

We often talk to Mums in our Early Bird Class about how to do the leg stretches that relief calf cramps, which are more common during pregnancy. Here in our article we show how to do these stretches, and when done in the evening before bed, or after your workout, these can help to reduce excess tightness in your calf muscles and reduce the cramps.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Exercise Guidelines

Often new mums are keen to get into their exercise programs again - but what is safe and best for a recovering body. Each woman is different - your birth experience and previous fitness levels play a part, but so does the effect of pregnancy on your body, especially on your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. Here are some general guidelines to help you in your return to fitness journey.

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Post Pregnancy

10 Yoga Poses to Avoid for Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises

Are you unsure which Yoga poses to choose for your body? If your pelvic floor is weak or not working well, some Yoga poses are best avoided. This article has been written by Michelle Kenway, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist and author of Inside Out.

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