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Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter
from the desk of Dianne, physio at PMFP, Director and Creator of The Pregnancy Centre, Pelvic Floor First campaign ambassador

I've enjoyed bringing in some new exercises to the clinic following attending Filex 2017, the Fitness convention in Sydney. Some of the inspiring sessions were from physio's and one highlight was from Kylianne Farrell from The Movement Room in Karratha, who blends her counselling background with personal training for a new move into fitness, while being a mum of two small girls. She knows the challenges that it brings to blend motherhood with movement and to find the joy in the days where demands of two little ones are high.

Finding some time for you isn't always easy, whether you are working during your pregnancy or transitioning into the changing roles in parenthood.
Some links to exercise tips and stretches below can help to ease some of the tension that builds, and release tightness in muscles from daily activities.

Enjoy, Smile (reminded by my yoga teacher Ange) and Breathe.



Stretch and Release

Pregnancy changes your body in similar patterns to when you are focusing on a new baby, so stretching now prepares you with new habits to ease tightness from your body now and when you have your baby.

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Positioning your Baby

Good posture gives many benefits and helps your baby to position for birth too. Whilst not all factors can be controlled, you can optimise your positioning to assist your baby to move into the best position for birth. Check with your midwife and doctor for more information.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Core and Ball Exercises

While testing your levels of core control can help you to know what's right for you post birth, having a ball gives you the opportunity to work at the level right for you. You can begin by sitting and doing your pelvic floor and deep abdominal postnatal bracing exercises, and build to lifting your leg as you are able to hold your bracing and pelvic floor for longer. Make sure you feel no strain and do not hold your breath as you do these.

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