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Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter

Before, during and after pregnancy there are many preparations and planning of things that need attention. Often mums can feel that there is a lot going on, and physically and emotionally there are challenges along the way. Some of these are positive, some more neutral while others can have a negative effect. This newsletter brings an opportunity to reflect on post birth changes, with a survey created by Sydney based Personal Trainer, Jen Dugard. We revisit "An Invitation to Grieve" e-course, and add in some stretches to help pregnant mums feel more flexible. All the best for the last few days of October. Spring came along at last!!!


Pre Pregnancy

An Invitation to Grieve - revisited

Last newsletter we included "a shout out from Australia" about the new ecourse for women who have had a miscarriage and I said to Meagan that I would feature it again this newsletter as its Pregnancy and Infant Loss month in the USA in October. This 21 day e-course created by Meagan Schultz, gives her personal story, connecting so deeply to the understanding women who have lost a baby need.  Each person is different and each pregnancy loss is individual and this healing pathway and journey through An Invitation to Grieve gives women the chance to acknowledge in personal ways their loss and their own story.

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Pregnancy Stretches

During pregnancy stretches help you to stay flexible and can ease tension from your body. Here are a few simple pregnancy stretches for you to enjoy, with some pelvic floor and abdominal bracing exercises also included. Be sure to feel no pain or discomfort when stretching.

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Post Pregnancy

Post Birth Survey

If you have had a baby or know someone who has, would you be interested in taking time to do this survey? Fitness professional Jen Dugard from Sydney, author of How to Love your Body as much as your Baby, is doing this to find out more about mum’s birth experiences and the physical and emotional effects postnatally. She is aiming for surveying 2000 women, so if you have had a baby or know someone who has, join Jen’s survey to help her move forward with the plans she has with the survey results.

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