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It's been exciting to be involved in The Continence Foundations Maternity Project, to help women know more about their pelvic floor and abdominal muscles during pregnancy. This week our info on pregnancy and postnatal abdominal bracing was published on The Pelvic Floor First website.
There is more to come with The CFA publishing it's new booklet for the campaign .....soon.
Dr Sara's also been busy in the last year, and since first publishing her book The Hormone Cure, she has just launched her new revised paper back copy which includes 50 pages of new content, including more on pregnancy and postnatal hormonal issues in response to the many questions she has been asked. It is available at Amazon.



Pelvic Floor in Pregnancy

Need a reminder on how NOT to do your pelvic floor muscle exercises in pregnancy? Read on to find out more if you are still unsure in any way.

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Post Pregnancy

Returning to Sport safely

Still one of our favourite topics here and if you haven't visited the Return to Sport section of our website, here is one of our articles, again about protecting your pelvic floor.

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Post Pregnancy

The Hormone Cure

If you are struggling with postnatal baby weight or lack of energy, this could be for you. This week only, to celebrate the launch of her revised edition of The Hormone Cure, Dr Sara has just released her new & improved program to help women to double their energy, drop the stress eating and get sexy and revitalised in 30 days or less. It is just one example of her online course work – I’ve enrolled in a few before and learned so much. This is only available until the 30th March (US time).  

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