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From the desk of Dianne Edmonds, Founder of The Pregnancy Centre
Physiotherapist and Elite Personal Trainer, Peel Maternity and Family Practice, Mandurah WA

This month is you are planning your first or another pregnancy we have some tips from Ovulation Calendar.

At Peel Maternity and Family Practice we are starting a Postnatal Fitness Program which will run for 8 weeks, starting on the 10th May. You will be able to book for blocks of 4 or 6 weeks - call reception to find out more.

We've also a great new article by Ferne Gray about Returning to Exercise After Birth and Avoiding The Danger Zone! Thanks Ferne, who is a Kanga Trainer and Mum here in WA.

Enjoy your Mothers Day coming up soon! Hope that you get the care and attention that you need.


Pre Pregnancy

Signs of Ovulation

Ovulation Calendar in Australia has given us this new link with lots of info on signs and symptoms of Ovulation.

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Half Price Back and Pelvic Floor Wellbeing books

Knowing so many mums and mums to be suffer from heaviness, pain and prolapse, or back and pelvic pain, these ebooklets give much needed advice, and often, save on the cost of a physio appointment by preventing problems from happening. This month, in the lead up to Mothers Day, the 4 ebooklet series will be available for half price from our website.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Fitness Program

On the 10th May we are starting an 8 week program (you can book for 4 or 6 week blocks) at Peel Maternity and Family Practice. Feeling like you need to tone your abdominals, and want to find out how, before heading back to the gym? You can bring your baby to the class (but it is upstairs, so no prams - sorry). Contact PMFP for more information

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Post Pregnancy

Returning to Exercises After Birth - The Danger Zone

Is there a Danger Zone you can enter when returning to exercise after the birth of your baby? Here Ferne Gray talks about the changes to your body and how being postnatal means, postnatal exercises are essential.

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