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“Spring has sprung in the hundred acre wood” – A.A. Milne.

Yes, it’s nearly spring! What a fabulous time of the year. I was running the usual after school `taxi service’ the other day and I decided to go for a walk as I had a short break between dropping off child 1 and picking up child 2! I wandered along a path next to a reserve which was full of native bush. The smell of the new flowers and foliage was amazing! It occurred to me after, that the best things in life really are free. In a 30 minute spell, I managed to grab some quiet time, soak up some gentle afternoon sun, exercise, strrettcchhhh and overload the senses to a degree that only I could appreciate in that moment. In this month’s newsletter we spread the word to all mums and mums-to-be about enjoying a little downtime whenever possible, so that your whole day can run just that little bit more smoothly. JM

We have discovered a wonderful story today which we thought you would all enjoy. It’s not quite the hundred acre wood location, but it does involve a bear that clearly knows and appreciates the benefits of indulging in those mother-to-be little luxuries. We hope you enjoy!


Pre Pregnancy

The Benefits of Relaxation

Is relaxation only a treat for the rich and famous? We think not. There are many health benefits in knowing how relax on even the busiest days. Being aware that you need to take time out really is the key. In this article we identify how you can do just that and some simple tips to help you along the way.

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Pregnancy and Exercise and Returning to Sport or Exercise

The Pregnancy Centre has been pleased to assist The Continence Foundation of Australia in updating two of the most popular factsheets, Pregnancy and Exercise and Returning to Sport or Exercise after the Birth. These are now available directly from both the CFA website and the Pelvic Floor First website.

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Post Pregnancy

Enjoy the Outdoors

As this is the perfect time of the year to step outside and lap up what nature has to offer, we thought you may enjoy this article in our Post Pregnancy section, Enjoy the outdoors - Bend your knees please..... and remember, the dishes can wait!"

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