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From the desk of Dianne

For our last newsletter for 2015 we'd like to give you a gift when you buy our brand new Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth and Recovery ONLINE course. And of course we wish you a very blessed end of 2015 and enjoyable New Years Eve. This week until the 7th January we have our special offer - buy your online course and receive two free ebooklets valued at $29.90.

All the best for New Years Eve and your choices for 2016. Hoping that for some of you the extra sleep that you desire comes your way, for others a more toned tummy and pelvic floor. And for others, the chance to have some time or moments of time to yourself. We've brought back one of my Blogs from when my children were smaller and 5 minutes was the amount of time that I was aiming for to stretch or relax without interruption.

Its from this that the concepts for our course was really born, knowing how often it is hard to get those moments that matter, for your pelvic floor, yourself, your partner, for you. See how you come into this twice - you need double the attention in order to take care of those that you love.

So keep filling your fuel tank and enjoy some Tiara Time this coming New Years Week.



Course Special with two free ebooklets

Until 7th January, when you purchase the newly released Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth and Recovery online course, we will send your free copies of the e booklets Think Back and Connect and Caring for your Back while Caring for your Toddler (together valued at $29.90). Often sore backs accompany pregnancy and motherhood so these e booklets in your library help to give you the tips and reminders to care for you and your back. You may often know what to do, but  the keys to DOING what you know are in these e booklets. Tried and tested tips will help you to cope with the loads of washing, lifting, carrying and other motherhood tasks. 

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Relaxation for Labour

We teach relaxation in our Preparation for Birth Classes, but if you need a refresher individually this is possible by appointment with Dianne at Peel Maternity and Family Practice. Further tips are available here, by reading more.

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Post Pregnancy

Peel Maternity and Family Practice Physio Service

Dianne is back tomorrow to work at the practice, so if you have been having any trouble with "getting together" over the holidays due to pain or scar tissue problems, then an appointment can help you with painful sexual intercourse. If you need any tummy toning work, your abdominal muscle separation checked or pelvic floor exercise advice call the Practice to make an appointment for the New Year.

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