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Welcome to The Pregnancy Centre newsletter for 2015. Whilst we have had a voice about pelvic floor fitness in relation to pregnancy and postnatal exercise since we started, I'd like to also start a new conversation.
Knowledge is one thing, action is another. Is there a root cause as to why so many women are not putting into action the knowledge that doing pelvic floor exercises regularly during pregnancy is important for their life long pelvic floor health?
I have just started to listen to the Female Hormone Solution summit, and it goes along with the learning over the past 2 years I have experienced from Dr Sara Gottfried's work in The Hormone Cure.
The very first presentation is about "Rushing Woman's Syndrome" by Dr Libby Weaver, and she's written a book with that title. So common now is the "Rushing Woman" that it is affecting the health of our nation.
So if you have only a spare 5 minutes - watch the clips in the 5 minute intro and see if you have time to go further.
