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While there is loads of information about almost everything, I am told by a number of pregnant and postnatal women that they still didn't know that by 6 weeks post birth, they wouldn't be off and running again.

It's unnerving seeing how there are still so many gaps in our knowledge, but we have placed stepping stones on our website, creating pathways for women who want to learn how to get back into shape after their baby is born, while doing it safely.

Today we simply revisit some of our pathways created to help women, and we hope that you will help spread the word about The Pregnancy Centre and what it has to offer for women who want to know more about safely getting back into shape after the birth of their baby.

Thanks. Regards, Dianne.



Pregnancy Exercise Guidelines

Modifying exercise during pregnancy means different things to different women and their fitness professionals. Work to your own level and learn to listen to your body. For women who need more, seek further advice from one of our listed practitioners on our Directory, or find one near you who specifically works in pregnancy health and fitness.

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Preparing for Labour

Labour is likened to a marathon run, but often we don't get time to prepare that much for the event ahead and the postnatal recovery needed after the event. Consider things like your "post event" or post labour recovery food and rest plan, in order to optimise your energy levels when learning about caring for your new baby.

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Post Pregnancy

Returning to the gym - starting with light weights.

Being involved in the Pelvic Floor First campaign, it is interesting to put it all into practice working with postnatal women getting back into the gym safely. Here are some reminder pointers for you to take and consider, as you get back steadily to your pre pregnancy fitness programs.

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