We turned 15 years old this month! Back in 1999, we pioneered our way onto the internet as we founded The Pregnancy Centre online. During that time there have been so many changes, but many of them haven't led us to stray from our "Back to Basics" approach. So many women still find out that they don't really know their pelvic floor very well until they "meet it" after the birth and wonder, "Is this really my body? What happened?".
If I had a magic wand and my wishes could be granted, one of them would be that women during pregnancy would really be able to discover their pelvic floor, and its connection with the deep lower abdominal muscles - and that at the end of their pregnancy, their pelvic floor would be ready to open, release, relax and give birth. Then, they would also be able to take and be given the time that it needs to heal and to really recover, to withstand the joys and tasks of motherhood - picking up children and playing on the trampoline without the concern of leaking as their children grow.
We will continue to work on going "Back to Basics" as despite the incredible growth in technology and the wealth of information available to us at our fingertips today, there are still so many mums to be who are yet to have the actual revelation of DOING what they have learned, and FEELING the benefits and results in their bodies?
Pre Pregnancy |
Before, During or After Pregnancy and Beyond!
Many moons ago Dianne wrote the booklet As Your Shape Changes as a concept to record with help, pelvic floor fitness measures, changes in the abdominal muscles and a measurement of "the gap" ie muscle separation that can occur naturally with pregnancy. To ensure good recovery post birth, you can develop an understanding of these changes as they happen and make adjustments to your pelvic floor, core training and fitness programs along the way. To get your own copy of As Your Shape Changes, follow the link to Read More.
Pregnancy |
The Pregnancy Guide
This year we were honoured to be able to partner with The Continence Foundation of Australia and assist with the development of The Pregnancy Guide, which was launched in June 2014 as part of the Managing the Motherload campaign. The popularity of this guide, distributed nationally, has led the CFA to need to take it to reprint, so it can continue to be embraced by new mums to be.
If you haven't yet got your copies, it's available on hard copy or download via the CFA website.
Post Pregnancy |
Should baby's be used as weights while exercising?
We've always had a passion for safe postnatal exercise recommendations, to protect the recovering pelvic floor, back, pelvis and abdominal muscles of postnatal mums. This new article by Dianne, assisted by experienced Perth based Personal Trainer Michelle Scott, is now available on the Pelvic Floor First website.