This month we just want to say "Happy Mothers Day" to all those mums and mums to be. Enjoy your Sunday and we hope that it is special.
Thanks for being a part of The Pregnancy Centre newsletter community! From Dianne.
Pregnancy |
Give your Body a Gift
If you are looking for a gift to give yourself, which includes time to do the things that "you know that you need to do for you", then take a look at As Your Shape Changes. To buy a copy, click below.
Labour |
Don't forget to Belly Dance
We love rocking around here - whether it be sitting on a ball to rock your pelvis or belly dance, or standing during labour position demonstrations and rocking. Let your body lead but if you do want to know more, expert on Belly Dancing Maha al Musa shares on how to "do the more" here.
Post Pregnancy |
Sitting down to cycle when you start
Sometimes Mums just need to sit down, and when you start to cycle again after the birth, sitting to cycle is the best way to start. This will help to protect your pelvic floor and of course, only start once you are actually comfortable to sit back on the saddle! Thanks to the Pelvic Floor First campaign for bringing this to light.