Dianne has been doing courses with Dr Sara Gottfried since learning about her work in October 2012, and is currently completing training in The Hormone Cure to become a Hormone Evangalista. If you haven’t read Dianne’s blog on this, and why it is so meaningful to her, take a look at some of her recent Blog posts.
The Pregnancy Centre is now listed for a year on Dr Sara’s practitioner page, so you will be hearing more about how to tackle some of those hormones that have hijacked your health before, during or after pregnancy.
Post Pregnancy |
Looking back on my postnatal days
In her personal journey Dianne revisits her early postnatal days and begins to share a few of her own stories as she looks back and reflects, while healing and working on her body now as part of her Evangalista journey.
Post Pregnancy |
Share your story
At The Pregnancy Centre we would love to hear how we have helped you and what really connects with you and your clients. If you would like to drop us an email, post a blog comment or share a testimonial or story that can be posted on our site, please do.