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Well, there’s a bit of a buzz at The Pregnancy Centre with the news that Dianne has moved to Mandurah and will be starting client services there soon. So if you are in the area and need that wonderful support and expertise Dianne brings to the field of Women’s Health, this will be your opportunity to see her in person! For further information please use our contact form link at our website and send her a message.

And if you’ve been on the move like Dianne, don’t forget to tune in for a little ‘me’ time with this wonderful video clip.



Natural Healthy Remedies for Pregnancy Peeves

This week we have a new article in our Pregnancy section about nutrition. It often appears our bodies are just as confused as we are when it comes to an unexpected `flow’ of hormones brought about by pregnancy. This is quite normal and while it is always good to seek the advice of a healthcare professional, Melissa Hathaway shares with us a few natural healthy remedies you may find helpful to ease some unpleasant ailments.

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Post Pregnancy

Post Pregnancy Fitness Programs

In keeping with where Duchess Kate might be in her postnatal fitness journey, our link today is to our exercise program for when you are 3 - 8 weeks postnatal, or when you are finally finding the time to put some attention back into you, and are getting restarted with your own exercise program.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Fitness checks in Mandurah

Post Pregnancy Fitness checks will be one part of the service offered by Dianne in Mandurah WA. For further information contact her through our website contact form.

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