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This week we look at some common questions that many women like to know, but are often hesitant about asking. These are: Is it ok to have sex during pregnancy? How long after giving birth should I wait before I have sex? What about if I have had stitches – is this still ok and how should I feel? All of these questions are very relevant and real, and on the whole will be very much down to mum and how she is feeling. After all, when a baby is born there are so many demands made on a woman and often the greatest achievement is just getting adequate sleep! We have two new articles on our website that you may find useful.



Sex during pregnancy

Our first article you will find in our Pregnancy Section of our website.

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Post Pregnancy

Sex after the birth of a baby

Juggling all aspects of motherhood can be daunting. Intimacy with your partner may not be a priority right now. Is this normal? And what are some of the things I should consider before having sex after I have had my baby?

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