We are excited to have a guest article by Maha Al Musa from Bellydance Birth. Maha who is without a doubt passionate about her work, shares many years experience of the benefits of belly dancing; both as a dancer and a teacher. Maha is also a doula (birth assistant) and has taught many women the art of belly dancing throughout their pregnancies as the perfect preparation before birth. In 2011, Maha received the National Birth Hero Award from One World Birth. One World Birth acknowledged Maha for her outstanding work to support and empower women. “Happy mother - Happy baby”!
Labour |
Bellydance for Birth
As women we often think of labour as tiring, arduous and at times, even frightening. Maha reminds us that this is a very spiritual and joyful time and one worthy of great celebration.
This ancient Middle Eastern Dance, predominantly for women has evolved over time. It would have been passed from mothers to daughters to preserve its sacredness and honour and its connections to birth and fertility.
Maha, mother of three children, believes belly dancing helps pregnant and birthing women understand their strength and teaches how it can be used as a wonderful tool during labour. “It provides women with an opportunity to tune in to their primal feminine power and innate birthing knowledge, through utilizing belly dance as a birth dance in its most primal core”.
COMING SOON..... ...Maha’s book and DVD will be available from The Pregnancy Centre’s new Shopping Cart!
Post Pregnancy |
Exercising after a Caesarean
Recently Dianne, as ambassador for the Pelvic Floor First campaign, spoke with the Continence Foundation of Australia about exercising after a caesarean section. This Q & A was published in their enews, and we’ve added this link to our caesarean article.