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The Pregnancy Centre is pleased to announce the launch of its new e-booklet, Think Back and Connect, by Dianne Edmonds. This is the third e-booklet in our new series, The Whole Body Connection. This booklet provides some insightful and essential information on back care after having a baby.


Post Pregnancy

Post Pregnancy Back Care

We have so many poor mums that put up with back pain because they believe it’s part of having a baby. Although back pain may occur in the first few weeks, it should be short-lived. The information in this booklet has been put together with Dianne’s first-hand experience of working with many women over many years. Dianne looks at posture and explains the reasons why mums often get this severe back and pelvic pain and gives some great tips on ways to prevent it so that you can get on and really enjoy that special time with your baby. For a copy of our new e-booklet, please follow the link.

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