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Welcome back to The Pregnancy Centre for 2013. We were pleased to launch two new ebooklets just before Christmas, to help you enjoy your pregnancy and postnatal return back into shape. And there’s more good news. Within the next couple of weeks there will be another one for sale on our website, so remember to stay tuned! www.thepregnancycentre.com.au/products/e-booklets

Over the past couple of years Dianne has been studying and after much hard work has recently completed her certificates in Fitness to become an Elite Personal Trainer. Congratulations Dianne!

Dianne has been inspired by the positivity and the growth of the Fitness Industry since learning about it and working with some of the leaders in the Industry during the Pelvic Floor First campaign project. She is now pleased to become a part of such a dynamic field.
Read her latest Blog 'And on the way...'  www.thepregnancycentre.com.au/blog/january-2013-(1)/and-on-the-way  as she moves forward with this new lens, to develop some more new resources for The Pregnancy Centre during 2013, with her background of 22 years in women's health as a Physiotherapist.



Sleep and Pregnancy

We know what a child is like when they don’t get enough sleep – they become easily upset and at times inconsolable and we certainly know what we are like when we are lacking sleep. Therefore during the time of pregnancy when our body’s demands are even greater, we must be mindful to replenish our bodies with both quantity and quality when it comes to sleep. This is the body’s number 1 opportunity to repair itself. Sleep is essential for physical health and emotional well being. For further information, you may like to read our new article about sleep.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Return to Running Exercises

Often we hear stories about mums not being able to return to what they use to love doing; in particular sports, due to concerns they have with pelvic floor or lower back problems. It is always worth taking the time to find some good advice from a Fitness Professional you can trust. Our common “Do it once, Do it right” mantra is something we are very proud of at The Pregnancy Centre. We are sure our new article will inspire many other wonderful mums.

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