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We are back!
こんにちは Kon'nichiwa
Six months ago we said "Sayonara" as life in the high school world (children are no longer babies) got on top of Dianne, but some recent changes meant another rethink!

So we are back with a Focus on Fitness with Physiotherapy Insights.

As a CEC Fitness Course Creator we recently had the launch of a new course for fitness professionals through Australian Fitness Network, 100 Steps to Plank: Building Abdominal Strength for Every Female Client. This 2 part course was over a year in the making (between life, clients and family time), working with a great friend who let me film parts of her postnatal recovery journey. She was "superfit" but unprepared for the depth of work involved with restoring her core fitness, so it was a really interesting journey for us both. She willingly trained in a new way with me behind the camera, and this formed the basis for the new 100 Steps to Plank course, available at Network.

On our return we will continue with the areas of Pre Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Labour and Post Pregnancy, although this time we have a strong focus on the Post Pregnancy area.
If you no longer wish to hear from us please feel free to unsubscribe.

from Dianne's desk:
CEC Fitness Course Creator and Women's Health Ambassador Australian Fitness Network,
Pelvic Floor First Ambassador,
Director and Founder of The Pregnancy Centre.



Baby moons are on the rise

I didn't know much about Baby Moons but around the time this article was published I had a client talk about just that, they'd recently had their Baby Moon. Here Bessie Hassan writes about Travel insurance for Baby Moons. 

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Post Pregnancy

Building ab strength for every female client

One of the highlights of last year was finishing the 100 Steps to Plank course and getting this article published. It comes from the wisdom of many physio's and fitness professionals, much gained through the work of the Pelvic Floor First campaign, and it was great to put it together for Network's readers.

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Post Pregnancy

Move for Mental Health

"Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning" is an article quoted by Lisa Grace Byrne at the start of her book Replenish. The article was written by Mario Vittone, a Coast Guard officer, who highlights that drowning is a "deceptively quiet event". Lisa thought about this message for a while, and says "So often people are drowing in their lives and it doesn't look like it - not from the outside, (p13 of Replenish). She experienced this in her first few years of motherhood, hence her book Replenish telling of her discoveries of recovery. Another awesome Mum I know is Kylianne Farrell, founder of The Movement Room and the We Move for Mental Health tribe. Recently reaching out to Kylianne for chats, both to support her cause and to receive support has been strengthening during challenging times. Kylianne blends her experience as a counsellor, mother and personal trainer (plus so much more) to equip mothers with movement strategies to improve mental health. I'd like to share more about Kylianne's work in our newsletters. To find out more visit her website The Movement Room.

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Post Pregnancy

Physio Yoga Pelvic Floor Course

Last year we linked to the work of Shelly Prosko, a Canadian Physical Therapist, Professional Yoga Therapist and Pilates Instructor. Shelly had created a series of videos on Creating Pelvic Floor Health with PhysioYoga, and she has now finished working on her ONLINE Pelvic Floor Course. And there is an introductory 15% discount until April 15th! PhysioYoga-15 For more info visit Shelly's site.

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