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From the desk of Dianne

All the best for 2016.

Living in WA, and being able to see the smoke from the Waroona fires from our front door step on the first day, the focus here has not been on The Pregnancy Centre, but on those who have lost or experienced so much this past week. Our hearts go out to everyone affected and involved in the tragedy and immensity of these fires.

Today we will simply connect to some of our key note articles. Ones that we revisit and remind you with, as "repetition is the mother of skill", a quote I have heard from Tony Robbins. We can know so much but unless we do it and implement it in our lives, it does not become a part of us. 

Remember our online Pelvic Floor Program is now available, if you are pregnant and feel you would like to learn more about your pelvic floor muscles during this important phase of your life.



Pregnancy Exercise Guidelines

Every woman is different in their level of fitness and with the type of exercise that they enjoy during their pregnancy. Here are some guidelines to help you generally to modify and make safe choices during your pregnancy journey.

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Pregnancy Pelvic floor program

Preparing Your Pelvic Floor for Birth and Recovery is available where you can practice and record your own personal pelvic floor progress during your pregnancy. Recovery after the birth is much easier when you have done the hard work beforehand. This program will help you to know how to work your pelvic floor well while you are pregnant and give you tips for your postnatal recovery plan, together with early postnatal exercises for the first weeks following the birth.

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Post Pregnancy

Postnatal Exercise Guidelines

Jumping from your 6 week check into the gym or your previous fitness programs --- needs some steps in between. Consider yourself postnatal for 4 - 6 months instead - you may get there more quickly than this, like 3 - 4 months, but remember that pregnancy stretched and changed your body for over 6 months, and that it takes time to recover fully from these effects. Protect your body and build your recovery steadily. These guidelines can help.

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Post Pregnancy

As Your Shape Changes

Measuring your abdominal muscle separation during and after pregnancy at regular intervals is one way to check how much separation there is. We recommend this around 3 times during pregnancy and over 3-4 months post birth, to see the changes and to allow time for the gap to close. If the gap isn't closing by 6 - 8 weeks, then it's time then to get some special exercises and focus more on closing the gap. Using As Your Shape Changes will help you to monitor, check and record your gap, so you don't let this just slip by without noticing its changes.

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