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The Pregnancy Centre had something special we wanted to share with you but things have not quite gone our way today. Nevermind, one thing we have learned is just because something isn’t happening for us now, doesn’t mean it never will. We just have to patient and let our excitement brew a little longer until our expert team are ready to announce the good news. It’s just like waiting for that special baby to arrive, so stay tuned!


Post Pregnancy

Walk before you Run

After you have a baby your body goes through some dramatic changes. As your body returns back to its pre pregnancy self, it is important that we are conscious not to rush this process. In the latest edition of Bridge magazine by the Continence Foundation of Australia, Dianne speaks about this topic and gives some very good advice. The link to “5 minutes with Dianne” can be found on Page 3 of the magazine via our website article, Walk before you Run.

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