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Today we are saying a big thank you to Beth, who has been the support person at our web design company Get Started. When Dianne met with Beth and Adam at Get Started back in December 2009, about our website redesign, Beth encaptured the vision and the potential for our growth, and for our beautiful website to grow to this point, as she so patiently taught us all the behind the scenes skills needed to manage a new dimension in the content management 'tree' we have 'back here'.
Beth is heading off for some overseas travel, and we've promised to look her up on Facebook, as she was the one who brought us into that arena also, in setting up our design and the look of our Facebook page. We are still nearing completion of our final website 'room', which will be our Directory - news of that to come when we are ready.
So, thanks Beth, for having the vision to see this far, despite all the changes and new tech developments along the way that constantly throw new things into the arena. We have very much appreciated your skills and those of the skillful team at Get Started. Your patient support is so appreciated.


Pre Pregnancy

Thinking about the Big Reveal

We have had this new article written for us, giving new mums to be, inspired ideas on 'how to tell' once you do find out that you are pregnant! For some fun, creative and memorable ideas on how to share the news with your husband or partner - read The Big Reveal.

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Post Pregnancy

Your Back - Your Prize possession

The stories of mothers who end up with some form of back pain after pregnancy are unfortunately quite common – in fact these stories can be heard from all four corners of the globe. Although many women can quite easily point out a certain event that triggered severe pain, it is indeed a fact, that the event in question was perhaps just ‘the last straw’ for the poor back, after a lengthy series of poorly planned postural movements, while doing those everyday mummy chores we all know so well. Maybe it was pulling out clothes from a top loader washing machine, changing your baby’s nappy, reaching up to a high storage shelf, pushing a heavy shopping trolley while disciplining a tiny toddler, or finally getting around to cleaning that floor at some ridiculous hour of the night..... or morning! Yes, we’ve all been there. However, that doesn’t mean we have to experience or continue to put up with back pain. No matter how long it has been since you had a baby, you will be pleased to know there are some tricks of the trade to help reduce the strain we put on our backs. Dianne Edmonds has written a superb little e-booklet for our new mums.....and not-so-new mums, titled “Think Back and Connect”. The booklet has the most wonderful, yet simplistic tips and ideas that can be used on a daily basis to protect your back and pelvis and pelvic floor muscles. All this information is brought to you from Dianne’s many years as a physiotherapist (working in the area of women’s health) and being a mum. So not only has this information been sourced from hands-on experience but from first-hand experience too. “Think Back and Connect” is one of The Pregnancy Centre’s most prized possessions, just like your back should be!

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