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At the Pregnancy Centre we are dedicated to bringing you excellence in exercise without compromising your health or your baby’s health.
Often we are asked the question by post natal mums, “How much is too much exercise and when can I return to the sports I love?” Everyone seems to have a slightly different opinion but we have some simple guidelines and these are; start with our Level 1 exercises which are available to you for free in the post natal section of our website. Take your time learning these, don’t rush and don’t push through pain. Once you have mastered all the exercises in the 1st level comfortably, you are ready to progress to the next level and the next, right up to Level 5. Once you are happy you have mastered all exercises in Level 5, this is a reasonable indication that you could return to the sport of your choice. If not, STOP!... Go back to the exercise level where you feel comfortable and continue from there. We would much rather you felt fantastic about your progress than frustrated.

Our carefully planned exercise levels will give you what you need to move forward. After working with hundreds of postnatal women, consulting with experts and researchers, and spending 18 months as the lead Physiotherapist for the Pelvic Floor First national campaign, Dianne Edmonds has specifically designed these for our new mums. We are sure you will enjoy this valuable resource.


If you feel any discomfort or you are unsure about any of these exercises, seek the advice from your doctor or physiotherapist.



Post Pregnancy

Can exercising too soon after the birth cause back pain?

After the birth of your baby, no matter how fit or toned you are, it takes a MINIMUM of 8 weeks before your stomach muscles are toned enough to support your lower back and pelvis.

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