The Pregnancy Centre has a lot of exciting new things happening on its website which we are looking forward to sharing with you. We will have our Forum section and a Products page up and running very soon. We also will have a collection of Australia’s best in the area of pregnancy and postnatal health and fitness plus some other new additions.
Have you visited us on Facebook yet? We have a lot of interesting titbits that you may find helpful. There is some information on nutrition, exercise and other entries that will simply just make you smile! So pay us visit – you may even ‘like’ us:
Post Pregnancy |
Spring has arrived!
No matter how many months or years it has been since you had your baby or babies, it is never to later to begin some great postnatal exercises. Whether it be gently beginning a new exercise routine, or taking it to the next level, you are bound to find an exercise you will enjoy or enjoy with a friend. Take a look in our Post Pregnancy section where you will find some useful guidelines.