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“Spring has sprung in the hundred acre wood” – A.A. Milne.

And here at The Pregnancy Centre this month we also have a hundred things we would love to share with you as we step into spring. However, we only have this one page so we will share with you some of our favourite new articles.

Firstly, we have a New Arrival! Yes our Motherhood Blog has gone live. Here we draw from insights combining motherhood, physiotherapy, health and fitness perspectives. When combining ingredients for a recipe, some of us cook from cook books, some cook from instinct and some throw things together and hope for the best. Whatever your 'style' of life in motherhood you can learn and grow as YOU every day. We hope that you find some inspiration and ideas here, to help and encourage you in your motherhood journey. We will even be adding some great recipes from time to time to our blog.


Pre Pregnancy

A Pelvic Floor Checklist for your next pregnancy

In our pre pregnancy section this month we have a new article  A Pelvic Floor Checklist for your next pregnancy.  Find out about preparing your body for another pregnancy. Did your body return to ‘normal’ after your last pregnancy? And what is ‘normal’? Regardless of your fitness level now, it is never too late to treat yourself to a stronger new you. As your baby grows it can place an enormous workload on our body, particularly your pelvic floor. However, if the time is taken to prepare well you will have that peace of mind that you are equipped to really enjoy those precious nine months before the birth. 

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Exercise in Pregnancy

Information can be a source of learning but when there is too much information it can be daunting. As we wave goodbye to winter and gladly welcome the arrival of spring, we are keen to offer you the best guidance possible in terms of exercising during pregnancy so you and your baby can feel comfortable and confident while keeping fit right up until the time you have your baby or babies. There are two new articles on our website Pregnancy Exercise – Important Tips and Exercise in Pregnancy Benefits. If you click on our Exercise tab in the pregnancy section there are six articles packed with valuable information from our health professionals, based on many years of research. We also have something new - the first of our Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise idea series - Pregnancy Ball Exercises.

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Labour and life

Labour is a challenging process when thinking about it, talking about it, preparing for it and going through it. Labour is called labour because it is considered hard work. There are many takes on what hard work is though, and every single woman will have their own measure of what hard work is for them, hence for each woman, labour will mean something different.

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Post Pregnancy

Enjoy the outdoors

'J' writes, "My mother used to say to me that getting out and pottering in the garden was a good thing to do. There was something about touching the soil that she believed was good for the soul. I would think, how mad! I’ve got a kitchen bench full of dishes, three loads of washing and the vacuuming to do. I haven’t got time to go outside. But one day when I was quite overwhelmed with the demands of motherhood, I did just that. I was pleasantly surprised how good it made me feel and when I did go back into the house later that afternoon, yes all the jobs were still there waiting to be done but somehow they really didn’t bother me much as I felt quite calm – I felt almost re-energised, so perhaps my mother was right. As this is the perfect time of the year to step outside and lap up what nature has to offer, we thought you may enjoy our new article in our Post Pregnancy section, Enjoy the outdoors - Bend your knees please..... and remember, the dishes can wait!"

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Post Pregnancy

The Core and The Floor Exercise DVD

A great postnatal exercise DVD is available called The Core & The Floor, designed by New Zealand based Physiotherapist Lisa Yates and Midwife/experienced Personal Trainer Fiona Ross. The DVD has three levels of difficulty, making it an interesting and challenging workout for post natal mums of all levels and abilities. Lisa and Fiona also include detailed information sections on the pelvic floor, abdominals, posture and back care and their DVD is available from their website www.filifit.com

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