For the past 18 months we have been dedicated to working on The Pelvic Floor First campaign, which was launched publically in Australia last week, by The Continence Foundation of Australia. As our role has now finished, we are pleased that our dedication will now be to The Pregnancy Centre, which has been waiting in the wings to bring to you all that we know is available, from our insights from motherhood, health and fitness. We dedicate this issue to Pelvic Floor First, where you can also see Dianne as one of the campaign ambassadors.
Pre Pregnancy |
Put your pelvic floor first
Before you have a baby, particularly if it is not your first, it is a good idea to work on your ‘Pelvic Floor First’. If you have any symptoms of a pelvic floor problem, or you are unsure how consider your ‘Pelvic Floor First’, then here you can start to learn more in this vital area to your health as a woman. Take the time now, to learn more about your pelvic floor, where it is, what it does and how to really work it well using the latest instructions from the Pelvic Floor First campaign.
Pregnancy |
Considerations for Pregnancy Exercise
During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes and the weight of your growing baby or babies, your pelvic floor becomes more ‘at risk’ and needs extra special attention. When exercising during pregnancy, you do need to ‘consider your pelvic floor first’ in your exercise choices, making adjustments during each trimester. Remember exercising during pregnancy doesn't have to be boring, so make sure you choose something you enjoy. Your health or fitness professional will be happy to give you some advice about exercises that best suit you.
As a part of the campaign, our ‘Considerations for pregnancy exercise’ are available now on the Pelvic Floor First website. After the birth it is equally as important to follow the ‘Postnatal exercise considerations’ to protect your pelvic floor, allowing it to recover fully following the birth.
Labour |
Preparing for Labour
In May, and on Mother’s Day, a beautiful new book was launched for women, by Lisa Westlake, Australia’s highly awarded fitness expert. ‘Exercising for 2, The safe and easy prenatal fitness guide for a healthy pregnancy’, includes more than 100 exercises and specific programs for pregnant women of all stages and fitness levels. Lisa includes exercise plans for ‘Preparing for Labour’, visualisation, relaxation, physical and mental preparation tips in this book full of photos to clearly show you each exercise for each stage. Lisa also has some suggestions for including in your own labour kit bag. Lisa is one of the pelvic floor first ambassadors and has played an integral role throughout the entire campaign.
Post Pregnancy |
The baby bulge mystery
Is it possible to return to your pre-pregnancy weight and shape? We say yes, but with a ‘do it once and do it right’ approach. At the Pregnancy Centre we are dedicated to bringing you excellence in exercise without compromising your health or your baby’s health. Much research now shows that doing the correct exercises during pregnancy may not only benefit you after the birth, but for life. In this month’s newsletter we have a story from a mum whose misfortune may be a valuable lesson for many. It does however, have a happy ending.