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After nine years, The Pregnancy Centre is back! We are proud to return with our brand new website and our first newsletter. We are very much looking forward to keeping you up to date with the latest information and helpful tips that may benefit you and your baby today, next week, next month and for the years to come.


Pre Pregnancy

The Benefits of Relaxation

It is so easy for us to get caught up with our busy lives; we sometimes forget how to be ‘not busy’. By putting a little time aside you may be surprised how nice it is to take some time out for yourself and relax. Do you remember the days in early primary school when all the children would have a cool drink and an afternoon nap? What a wonderful time that was – a pity we can’t continue that. You will find lots of interesting facts and ideas about The Benefits of Relaxation on our Pre-Pregnancy page and we would love to hear about your favourite relaxation tips too.

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About food during and after pregnancy

During this exciting chapter of your life, your body goes through some amazing changes. It is therefore understandable that we constantly question the well-being of ourselves and our baby. With this in mind, The Pregnancy Centre this month has included an article about food. Here we talk about types of food, preparation ideas, cooking methods and some other helpful hints.

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Preparing for Labour

There are many options to consider when preparing for labour in the way of diet, exercise and meditation – it is after all, a special time. All mums have a story to share. Each story is so personal and so unique. Our new birth story is no exception and it is a pleasure to share with you Josh’s Birth Story.

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Post Pregnancy

New Returning to Sport and Exercise article

Have you visited our Post Pregnancy page? We have a range of interesting articles and ideas, all designed to help you feel the best you can be after the birth of your baby. We also have a new article “My Journey so far – things happen in 3’s!!” A delightful story from a busy mother of three that discusses why her investment in time to exercise the correct way after the birth of her babies has paid off, and how she continues to reap the benefits. Enjoy!  

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