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With a long term interest in Postnatal Return to Fitness, Sport and Running we've renamed out podcast to reflect this focus.
There is a new podcast by Dianne about the Change of Name, now called Running to the Core. Then there is a 3 part interview series with Holistic PT Jo Cordell-Cooper from Hobart, Tasmania to start off our podcast series 2. A big shout out and thanks to Jo for this!

Physiotherapist, Peel Maternity and Family Practice, Mandurah WA
Director and Founder of The Pregnancy Centre
Pelvic Floor First Ambassador

CEC Fitness Course Creator - Australian Fitness Network


Post Pregnancy

Return to Sport

Walk before you run is one of our articles written a few years back. Taking steps to begin steadily with postnatal recovery building load and intensity reduces the chance of postnatal issues showing up or becoming worse. Working with a trained health and fitness professional is advised.

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Post Pregnancy

Our Podcast Show Renamed

Here is the link to "Our Show Renamed to Running to The Core", where Dianne talks about postnatal recovery guidelines and her long term interest in postnatal fitness.

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Post Pregnancy

Interview Series with Jo-Cordell Cooper, Holistic PT

In this 3 part interview series, Dianne as the podcast host talks with Jo Cordell-Cooper, Holistic PT from Hobart, Tasmania with a special interest in women's health, and pregnancy and postnatal fitness. Jo talks about how she became passionate about this area of fitness, and the turning points in her career that led to her drive in working in with women during and after pregnancy. She also shares a story about working closely with a postnatal mum through a very difficult recovery journey.

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