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This month is The Pregnancy Centre’s 12th birthday! There have been a lot of new arrivals and celebrations in this time, including our new website. The Pregnancy Centre is very grateful to the many health and fitness professionals who have supported us along the way but most of all, to all the mums whose contributions and valuable feedback have made it possible to streamline our information so we know we are always providing the best and most relevant topics to our readers. However, with that comes the need to often stop and make some small adjustments before continuing along the way. Our new articles this month highlight the need to regularly do this whether it is before, during or after pregnancy – it may mean stopping for a little ‘me’ time or investing that ‘me’ time now, so that both your body and your baby or babies reap the benefits later on. We hope you enjoy our new articles.


Pre Pregnancy

Pre Pregnancy Exercise

While you are planning to become pregnant, it is a good time to learn more about your pelvic floor and exercise, and consider what is safe and what isn’t, during this new phase of your life. We were involved with developing the guidelines and information featured on the Pelvic Floor First website. This new information is now becoming available to fitness professionals who see pregnant and postnatal women and there are many tips that you should now become aware of.

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Beyond the Baby Blues

This month, I have started reading a new book Beyond the Baby Blues which was published in September by Exisle Publishing. Anxiety and depression around childbirth is one of the most common yet least discussed medical conditions in Australia. Beyond the Baby Blues is the first comprehensive resource guide in this area, providing women with information about peri natal anxiety and depression and their journey back to health. This book takes into account that depression can occur anytime from conception to 1 year old, not as previously thought by postnatal depression to occur only after the birth. In Beyond the Baby Blues you will hear the voices of mothers and fathers speaking honestly of the reality of parenting babies and children while dealing with anxiety and depression. You will also find expert advice from health professionals who are leaders in the field of peri natal anxiety and depression. Visit www.beyondthebabyblues.com.au for more information or www.exislepublishing.com.au to buy this new book.  

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A wise mother's story

When my daughter left home for university I started writing a life-guide book to help her avoid some of the pitfalls of teenage years. Unfortunately it was neglected and never completed! Several years ago when she started talking about having a baby, I decided to write a book and share some of my women’s health physiotherapy and mother’s wisdom with her. So my lovely daughter Lizzy was the initial impetus for writing my latest book, Hold It Mama.

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Post Pregnancy

New Return to Sport and Exercise section

There is much preparation involved in getting ready to have a baby (it is a nine month marathon after all!), but sometimes there is little preparation given to getting your body back into shape after your baby is born. Little by little your baby grows and therefore, step by step we encourage all our mums to focus on specific small exercises one at a time, so you know your body is strong enough to RETURN TO SPORT AND EXERCISE. Whether you are returning to the demands of motherhood or looking at returning to play a high impact sport, we have the exercises that have stood the test of time to help you along the way so that you can achieve optimal results.

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