Pre Pregnancy Exercise
While you are planning to become pregnant, it is a good time to learn more about your pelvic floor and exercise, and consider what is safe and what isn’t, during this new phase of your life. We were involved with developing the guidelines and information featured on the Pelvic Floor First website. This new information is now becoming available to fitness professionals who see pregnant and postnatal women and there are many tips that you should now become aware of.
As you take a look around the website you will see key areas to consider:
What are pelvic floor safe exercises?
Pelvic floor safe cardio exercises
Pelvic floor safe resistance exercises
A 10 step guide to pelvic floor safe exercises
You can see the low impact exercise options that are considered safe choices, and as you move into and through this stage of your life, you will learn more and understand the changes that occur in your body and in your pelvic floor muscles. Now is a good time to consider further this area and look to what changes you could make in your exercise routines in the future.
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