The Importance of the Pelvic Tilt
Good posture involves keeping the position of your pelvis right, as this affects the rest of your body. The pelvic tilt as an exercise can be done standing freely or against a wall and while you are pregnant, it helps to ensure that your lower back does not arch too much.
There are many benefits from doing the standing pelvic tilt.
Some of these include:
Toning your tummy, giving a flatter look
Tightens your pelvic floor muscles
Organs in the pelvis sit in the right place
Makes the muscles in your buttocks work more
Makes the muscles in the sides of your legs work more
Your back curves are in a neutral position – not too saggy
Aligns the rest of the body on top of your pelvis – mid and upper back, head and neck
Your lungs are used more effectively
Improves your posture
A taller look
We have got slack and let our bodies relax too much, sitting on seats, lounging in chairs, driving cars, not using our bodies to walk daily from place to place like they were designed to do.
This weakens our muscles all around the pelvis, hips, abdominal wall and pelvic floor muscles.
When the muscles are working well together, they will work normally throughout the day then you won’t have to exercise them all individually so often.
How to find the correct position for your pelvis - learning the pelvic tilt standing position (PTSP)
Stand against a wall with your bottom, head and shoulders touching the wall.
Place your hand behind your back and feel the space between the wall and your back
Press your back against your hand to reduce the size of the space
Hold this position for a moment and then relax
Repeat this, feeling the effect on your abdominal muscles. Then relax.
Repeat again, feeling the effect on your pelvic floor muscles. If you are not sure, go through this process again, thinking and feeling the muscles work.
Also feel what happens to your buttocks and the muscles at the side of your hips (which can be hard to feel).
All of these muscles should tighten when you do this pelvic tilt.
Now, if your pelvic floor muscles are really weak, you need to concentrate on the pelvic floor muscle exercises separately, as with tummy and leg exercises.
Until the muscles get stronger, you will not receive the full benefit of this all in one exercise which we will call the pelvic tilt standing position (PTSP).
The Next Step 
The next step is to hold this position, without feeling like you have an extra exaggerated pelvic tilt. You will have a reduced curve in your lower back. Step away from the wall and hold this position. Relax, let your back and tummy and pelvic floor sag and feel the difference. Now step back against the wall, correct your position again, hold it and walk away from the wall.
Maintaining this position, walk around the room, feeling your tummy and pelvic floor working, holding your pelvis and all the organs inside, in position – the correct position.
The best part about this is that you can make your muscles work while you do it – reducing the need to exercise them during the day because they will be working the way they should and getting stronger as you do this.
Try walking for a minimum of 5 minutes per day, doing this pelvic tilt. As you get fitter and your muscles get more toned, it will get easier to hold this position naturally throughout the day. Your pregnancy and postnatal abdominal bracing will become easier in this position and it will help to stop your pelvic floor from sagging.
You can then do 5 minute lots throughout the day – walking from the car to the shops, to pick up children from day care, kindergarten or school, pushing the pram in the corridor at work or home. Also use this position while standing, e.g. to do dishes, at work, or while holding your baby.
Pick it up – pick up your pelvic floor when you walk – take it with you – don’t let it sag towards the floor with all your organs dropping down. Pick it up and stop it from sagging throughout the day.
A walk a day keeps the aches and pains away!
Learn more about your pelvic floor here.
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Printed originally in 2000 Demac Resources Pty Ltd.