About Us
Contact details: [email protected]
The Pregnancy Centre was founded in 1999 to help women to understand more about the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and birth, aiming to reduce the long term problems that can occur such as back or pelvic joint pain, abdominal muscle separation and pelvic floor issues.
Founded by Dianne Edmonds, an Australian Physiotherapist who has been passionate about fitness education and improving resources that have impacted the standards of health and fitness nationally.
Over the years The Pregnancy Centre has been involved with developing resources in partnership with The Continence Foundation of Australia for pregnant and postnatal women.
Dianne currently works as a physiotherapist at Total Concept Physiotherapy in Mandurah.
Prior to this she worked for 10 1/2 years at Nest Medical Women's and Childrens health, formerly known as Peel Maternity and Family Practice, in Mandurah Western Australia.

A keen area of interest has always been postnatal return to sport and exercise and most recently - with a special section on the website dedicated to this area here: Return to Sport
Through her business The Pregnancy Centre, Dianne provides women and health and fitness professionals with resources on improving pelvic floor awareness during pregnancy and on returning to sport and exercise safely after birth. Her resources include the creation of online courses in pregnancy, postnatal, and women’s core fitness for fitness professionals, and for the Australian Fitness Network and for FitPro UK.
She worked with The Continence Foundation of Australia to design the Pregnancy Pelvic Floor App and The Pregnancy Guide, distributed and available free from the CFA. She was the Project Officer for The Pelvic Floor First campaign and collaborated with, some of Australia’s leading women’s health physiotherapists and fitness professionals to develop resources for pregnant and postnatal women related to exercise levels, safety, and risk reduction, of common problems such as stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
Dianne has been an Ambassador for the Pelvic Floor First campaign, since 2011.
Free Resources
These resources, created in conjunction with The Pregnancy Centre are available free of charge from
The Continence Foundation of Australia:
Pelvic Health for New and Expectant Mums
Pregnancy and Exercise Factsheet
Returning to sport or exercise after the birth
Pelvic Floor First
Exercise modifications during pregnancy
Pelvic Floor friendly postnatal exercise: A case study
Using babies as weights while exercising
Pregnancy, Postnatal and Core Conditioning CEC Courses for Fitness Professionals

Antenatal Core Training

Third Trimester Training for Labour

Early Postnatal Programming
National Pre and Postnatal Exercise Guidelines for Fitness Professionals
Dianne was a member of the Expert Reference Group involved in the development of Fitness Australia's Pre & Post-Natal Exercise Guidelines published in September 2013, and reviewed in 2023 by AUSactive
These are available at on the AUSactive website: AUSactive-Pregnancy_Post-Natal-Exercise-Guidelines-FINAL-v2.pdf
Articles - For More Information
Australian Institute of Fitness
Is postnatal recovery like recovery from a sporting injury?
Fitpro UK
Pregnancy Priorities