Have you ever had the experience of reaching towards your goals, but never quite getting there?
The feeling of “I’m almost there”, but the things that you want to do or plan to do, don’t quite get your time and attention, or sometimes start to feel further away. There is always another mountain of washing to do as a mother, or a face to feed, more shopping to do to keep the fridge and cupboard stacked.
But take moving and add that to your goal list – the others suddenly have to shift aside for a time. Seven weeks ago we made the decision to move, and my promises to “blog twice a week” and to “post on our forums pages regularly” are ideas that I can’t quite reach out in my mind to and grab and “make happen”.
Meanwhile we have made amazing progress towards the goal of moving, travelling 1 ¼ hours down the road, with car loads full of what we can take, to make the home that we bought almost seven years ago, our actual home. It has some nice chairs in it already, but the everyday things that we need, are being moved piece by piece at the moment, which started during our school holidays and has been continuing over the past four weeks, while meanwhile still settling children into their new school .
Now this means that I can FEEL my brain becoming tired, and I really need to find out more about how to “love up my female brain” and add some reserves to it right now, but seemingly I can’t quite seem to reach that book and take the time to sit down and read it like I would like to.
I think that I will need to do what I know to do so far:
Eat my salmon for lunch today (not something that you can do if you are pregnant though)
Continue my daily walks – yes, that has been let slip with the new time schedule
Continue to take my Fish Oil supplements, which I started after listening to Dr Sara Gottfried
Aiming to catch ‘the angel train’ at 10pm for sleep, but I know that I have definitely missed that one lately.
Turning off my computer and screens at least an hour before bedtime but ideally after 7pm for me (well this is a hard one as I haven’t been doing this like I was in the evenings and can definitely tell that my quality of sleep isn’t as good)
So as I am in the middle of a move, I can tick off some accomplishments that have been done ‘so far’. We’ve found and enrolled in an amazing school, the kids have been fitted for their uniforms, bought school shoes, and enrolled in the local library. All of this ‘normal’ type of stuff, but not when you have been living in a small town of around 1000 people and are moving to a small city of 77 000 people. Not when you have had access to no shops besides a small local IGA and hardware store, and now have access to numerous shopping centres and clothing stores! Not when you have had one cafe to visit and a local bakery, and now have a multitude of choices. And not when the drive to school was two to three minutes, and it will now be about twenty minutes each way.
So many great things, but in the middle, when I am not quite there, it is making me brain tired, so if you are reading my blogs, please forgive me if there is a little inconsistency over the coming weeks, until we become more established, and can settle both ourselves and The Pregnancy Centre, in their new homes. Thank you.
Have you had the experience of moving and stayed on top of your game mentally? Have you got some tips to share on how to keep focused and enjoy the journey? Please share below, I would love to hear from you.