And on the way
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Dianne Edmonds Posted on 21 Jan 2013

In 1999 I started the journey into the land of the internet, giving women around the world insights into how to better look after their bodies and deal with some of the problems of pregnancy that arise. I shared stories of women that I had seen as a physiotherapist who with their permission were happy to help other women, aiming for them to seek help and advice from the right sources for their problems. I spent hours writing newsletters and articles, much of which is still as relevant today with a few minor updates. On the way, starting two years later, I picked up some other things, to help women, slowly leaving The Pregnancy Centre to sit and wait, piece by piece setting it aside, until now.
Firstly along the way, when my daughter was only 6 months old, I said yes to becoming the Chair of what was then a state by state based group called the Continence and Women’s Health Group of The Australian Physiotherapy Association. Saying yes to something – that through many hundreds and thousands of emails, many telephone calls, teleconferences and papers to read, was over a 6 year path leading it to a Nationally based cohesive and strong group now called Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapy Australia. Now there are specialists and titled members of the group, with their expertise in Women’s Health and Continence being recognised throughout Australia.
And on the way, saying no more, I still helped for another year being the international rep for Australia in the International Order of Physical Therapists in Women’s Health. I also, on the way, helped to contribute to developing Pelvic floor resources for The Continence Foundation of Australia, over a couple of years. And another project arose, with an incredible cause, called The Pelvic Floor First Project which has ignited the passion inside many fitness professionals throughout Australia and New Zealand to bring together their knowledge and work to help women and men in a new way. As the pelvic floor knowledge expands into every area from aqua to the core, it is still only the tip of the iceberg that has yet been explored.
This has led me to the place where I am now, having learned about the Fitness Industry through the Pelvic Floor First Project, met many amazing Fitness Professionals and worked with some of the best, I have now become one. Over the past couple of years with a few breaks in between, I am now pleased to announce that I am now an Elite Personal Trainer, with a background of over 22 years in women’s health as a Physiotherapist. So it is with this new lens that I will continue the journey from 2013 onwards for The Pregnancy Centre, which now has my full attention. I will continue the journey now with the help of my daughter, who is now 11 and my son who is 9, as they look to help me help mums in their life’s journey on whatever is their path in the world.
Our vision is still ‘to see women’s health restored so they can reach their goals and fulfil their roles’ and I would add 'that they will achieve their dreams' as I look around and see some of the amazing developments that have come with internet land over the past 13 years since we first began our journey.