Written by:
Dianne Edmonds Posted on 09 Jan 2013

I have been undergoing a number of processes of transformation over the past few months, and a final one now, is to say that I am going to have a 'committee free year' in 2013. After 11 years of ongoing volunteer commitments, it's time for a 'health break' to pick up on the health and fitness of our family and take it to a new level.
I've been learning about 'filling in the nutritional gaps' through connecting with Dr Sara Gottfried since 11th October 2012, and the learning and transformation of my mind has been huge, since coming across such an amazing woman. Her continual connection to the best research in many areas of happiness, relationships, sexuality, mood, food and of course, hormones, has been a continual feast of emails and teleseminars. It is going to take some time to digest and integrate the deeper levels but so far, easy to implement practices have been part of my daily routine.
Together these two changes will help to bring more to mothers and mothers to be at The Pregnancy Centre, with such an incredible amount of wealth in knowledge to tap into. It seems that many of the areas that I have already been talking about, such as the motherhood juggling of roles and responsibilities, and sleep, have been researched and studied so deeply, as they are well known issues for women throughout the modern world.
Another transformation which will impact upon what I bring to The Pregnancy Centre is my soon arriving Certificate IV, on the completion of the ePT course through Australian Fitness Network, meaning that I will now be an 'Elite Personal Trainer'. With this brings new avenues and dimensions of expertise, and a background of over 22 years in the area of women's health as a physiotherapist.
So I am looking forward to a year of FOCUS for The Pregnancy Centre to grow and I may even learn more about butterfly's, as the process of this transformation expands. Happy 2013.