There is a new Australian book on the market, one that many of us need as it is "The Essential Guide for Anyone Who Cares About Their Brain". Feed Your Brain is the ultimate guide to getting your brain in tip-top shape and keeping it healthy via the foods you eat. It has now been proven beyond a doubt that it is possible to imporve focus and memory, reduce stress and anxiety, and think more clearly simply by enjoying a diet rich in the right nutrients.
Written by Delia McCabe the book is written in 2 Parts, giving you a unique 7 step plan to address the key areas of:
1. Sweat, sleep, sex and stress - what they mean for your brain
2. Food intolerances - what they do to your brain
3. Food additives - why they're bad for your brain
4. Vitamins and minerals - which ones your brain needs
5. Protein - whyyour brain needs it to communicate effectively
6. Energy - how best to fuel your brain, and
7. Fats - the good, the bad and the ugly.
In Part 1, Delia clearly and simply explains the science, giving you the information you need to make the right choices for your brain health.
In Part 2 she features delicious, quick and easy recipes that can form the basis of building more brain food into your diet.
If you have noticed your memory slipping, have trouble focusing, concentrating or learning, or have mood swings, poor sleep, or are feeling stressed and anxious regularly, this is a great book for you to buy.
Enjoy more happiness, motivation, mental energy ad well bing by getting your brain to work efficiently and effectively, simply by learning how to feed your brain.
The book is available at www.exislepublishing.com.au and wherever good books are sold.
About the author:
Delia McCabe has a Masters in Psychology and is completing her doctorate on the effects of certain nutrients on female stress. For the past 20 years she has combined her knowledge of the human brain with research into how food influences brain function. She has seen time and again that the right diet can have a dramatic influence on our memory, moods, ability to focus and stress levels. She now presents seminars and workshops teaching people how to achieve optimum brain health via nutrition. This is her first book.