Written by Jeanette M, mother of two.
“Mum, what’s for dinner?” is the most common chorus that echoes down my hall way about 5pm. Sometimes I dread to answer that question because often I haven’t quite decided myself or because I know my children are not going to be particularly pleased with the answer. Regardless, one thing I have realised over the years, is when in doubt, resort to the humble potato. I have taken the potato salad idea and sort of converted it into more of a ‘potato meal’ so that the potato becomes the hero of the dish. This one-pot-wonder is perfect for summer and wins my children over every time.
From a child’s perspective potatoes seem to carry very little threat. For a start they are white and yes, it’s the vegetable chips are made with!
From a mother’s point of view it’s a nutritionally quick and easy dinner that can be whipped up at the end of a busy day, particularly if you can cook the potatoes in the morning or the night before. Sometimes in the morning I might start putting all the ingredients together but get interrupted by one of those many “mum, where’s my ....?” moments. That’s fine, I just pop what I’ve done back in the fridge and return to it later. But, the best thing of all about this recipe is that I enjoy eating it too! (How often I hear of mothers tolerate eating meals they’ve cooked only because they appeal to their kids).
And it’s good news for Dad when he gets home, which is often a little later, as we are able to serve him up a nice dinner that’s not dried up or ‘stewed’.
Below is the recipe for my Potato Medley. I have put this together with ingredients my family enjoy and you can do the same. We love chorizo but you may like to use bacon or chicken. As for the vegetables, just substitute, add or subtract ingredients to suit. It’s a good time to also use up leftovers. So the next time you’re out shopping, don’t forget to pick up the potatoes. ENJOY
A great tip for the really fussy eaters........ Puree some white Cannellini beans. These beans are fluffy and creamy with a slight nutty flavour and can easily be hidden in this recipe!
800gms Potatoes (waxy variety is best)
4 eggs
1 packet of small chorizo sausages
4 spring onions (chopped)
1 x 420g tin of sweet corn kernels
½ green capsicum (chopped)
50gms of small lettuce or spinach leaves
1 small tin of baby beetroot
1 cup mayonnaise of your choice
Salt & pepper
Cook the potatoes until they are soft but do not overcook. Pour a small amount of olive oil over the potatoes and place in the fridge to cool.
Hard boil the eggs, shell and place in the fridge to cool.
Cut the potatoes in to bite sized pieces and place into a large bowl.
Cut the eggs into wedges and add.
Drain beetroot thoroughly and set aside.
Put in chorizo sausages, spring onions, sweet corn kernels, green capsicum and lettuce or spinach leaves.
Just before serving, add mayonnaise, beetroot and season to taste.
Provided by Jeanette, mother of two.