I was pleased to receive a copy of a newly published book across my desk.
Zero to Six Months with No Crying provides education and support to establish a parenting style that results in minimal infant crying. It challenges the commonly accepted notion that babies cry for extended periods of time. The book provides readers with an understanding of the reasons infants cry in order to prevent or moderate crying. Babies cry to express a need. Knowing these needs enables you to anticipate and recognise what leads to crying and thus prevent your infanct's crying.
Zero to Six Months with No Crying contains seven age-specific Flexible Care Routines that enable parents to meet the infant's needs to prevent or alleviate crying. These routines provide information and a structure to care for an infant at each developmental level, month by month, from birth to six months. The book also contains troubleshooting advice for common situations in which infants may cry.
Zero to Six Months with No Crying provides parents wtih knowledge and insight to enable them to respond to their baby in warmhearted, loving ways with Flexible Care Routines and settling techniques. It is designed like a manual for quick and easy reference for time-pressed parents.
This book has been written by Ursula Morgan, who has worked for over twenty-five years with infants, children and their families in child and family mental health, clinical neonatology and paediatrics, and early childhood health. She holds postgraduate qualifications in child psychology and child and family nursing and currently is employed as a paediatric clinical nurse consultant.
Zero to Six Months with No Crying is available for purchase via Amazon and other online stores.