Podcasting ABC’s
We’ve been learning to Podcast – putting away the aim of Perfectionism and “Just getting started”.
Just like children learn their ABC’s, our second podcast starts with A from the Pelvic Floor ABC's in part 1 of this series.
Champions always master the fundamentals applying their skills on the level they are at. Then they master more, practicing the basics over and over to attain a higher skill level.
Fitness professionals working with women are in the position to help women attain a higher level of pelvic floor awareness. In this podcast the A, from pelvic floor ABC’s is discussed by Dianne giving tips to train women who during and after pregnancy are required to attain a higher level of awareness of their pelvic floor muscles than previously in their lives.
Listen to the Podcast here.

Pelvic Floor ABC's - Part 2
Building on the basics is food for champions, who master the fundamentals, and hone their skills continually.
In pelvic floor ABC’s, B is for breathing, and in this podcast Dianne discusses tips on teaching your clients breathing awareness as they master their pelvic floor practice during and after pregnancy.
If you are working with women, it is a skill that you can continue to take to a higher level, as each woman’s patterns are different, and require tweaks, in their pelvic floor fitness training program.
Listen to Part 2 here
Pelvic Floor ABC's: Part 3
C is for Champions but in this podcast about the basics of pelvic floor ABC’s, C stands for contraction of the pelvic floor. Building the skills of pelvic floor training has a number of stages, especially for clients who are at the start including this muscle group into their training program during or after pregnancy. It’s a muscle group that changes with the effects of pregnancy and childbirth and specific tips are discussed by Dianne in this podcast, to build into the basics for pelvic floor strengthening, control work and training.
Listen to Part 3 here
For all of our podcasts - visit The Pregnancy Centre's Core and Pelvic Floor Podcasts for Fitness Professionals.